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Category Archives: The Early Learning Institute

Allegheny County’s leader in early intervention and early childhood education programs

Courtney Thrives Thanks to The Early Learning Institute

A Lasting Impression 

Kristin remembered The Early Learning Institute (TELI) and her TELI therapists very well.  14 years ago, her daughter Courtney received services through TELI after being born prematurely at 24 weeks and one and a half pounds.  A young, single and scared mother at the time, Kristin was relieved when the TELI therapists arrived, not only because of the important physical therapy and developmental services they were providing to Courtney, but because she now had a support system.  TELI therapists Kay Donovan and Anita Hall were happy to answer Kristin’s questions and connect her to additional resources at the time. 

And, for a child who wasn’t supposed to make it, Courtney thrived.  “Within a couple of months of her starting with Kay, she was able to sit up.  Then, she learned to crawl.  She Continue Reading