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Category Archives: Pittsburgh Poetry Collective

The Young Steel Poetry Slam is February 7th

Founded in January of 2012 by the fine folks of the Pittsburgh Poetry Collective, Young Steel is the only youth poetry slam league in the City of Pittsburgh.  Young Steel follows the same rules as the adult slam and although we just finished our initial exhibition year we hope to venture into registered competition with other cities soon. How can you get involved with Young Steel? Attend a Slam – The easiest way is just to come out and watch the show. Participate in the Slam – Do you have three original poems that clock in under three minutes? Are between the ages of 13 and 19? That’s all you need to get started slamming your way to victory, fame, and fortune (no guarantees on the fame and fortune part). If you only have one poem that meets our time qualifications or you’re not ready to fully engage in our lyrical battle, you can get to the slam early and ask the host if you can be the warm-up/calibration/sacrifice poet (whatever you want to call it). Judge the Slam – The slam cannot run without judges. If you can be objective, enjoy quantifying art, and have a thick skin when it comes to fellow audience members, then you’re qualified to judge. Just ask the host/mc upon arrival. Volunteer at the Slam – Want to host, bout manage, time keep, score keep, or simply look smug because you’re on the inside? Contact us to volunteer, and you won’t even have to pay the door. Support the Slam – Young Steel a) funds workshops, b) features touring poets from around the nation, and c) needs money to pay for a) and b). If you’d like to sponsor an individual poet, or the Young Steel as a whole, please feel free to donate, buy our merchandise, or sponsor us. For more information visit our website at