An online community of nonprofit organizations in western PA

Film Shines Light on Aftermath of Violence

Life After is a film that shines a light on the aftermath of violence and its effects on individuals, families, and communities.  But it also shows the hope that remains and how an organization like ours can help victims to overcome adversity, rebuild their lives, and find a new normal.

Please help is spread awareness of our mission and our services by sharing our story. We want victims of violence to know that they are not alone.  This film can lead them to the assistance, hope, and healing they need to cope with life after violence. Share Life After:  Access the film on Vimeo, where you can leave your comments, or through our website where you can find out more about Center for Victims, and share the link with your friends, family, and colleagues. Join the Conversation:

Follow Center for Victims on Twitter (@center4victims) and like our Facebook page. Continue Your Support:  Connect with us online and support our ongoing fundraising efforts through our website.

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